How Strong Is Your Core?

Dear friend, how strong is your core? Our core is our power center.  Core strength is crucial in every movement we make. It is foundational for building strength anywhere else. “A weak core is the number-one risk for potential injuries, especially lower-back injuries,”  Our core […]

The Process of Change

Change comes in stages for most of us. I remember knowing something had to change but not feeling quite ready.   My fear of failing, counting the what-ifs and overthinking caused me to hold back.  In pursuit of wellness and honoring our bodies as temples of […]

Find Joy In Every Season

I have my alarm set for 4 am, my eyeglasses broke, and I’m staring at a blank screen. As I go to cry on my husband’s shoulder, he reminds me that I’m doing all the things I love.  “You’re taking it all too seriously, and […]


Pray, Sweat, Eat, Repeat

Welcome to Pray, Sweat, Eat, Repeat. I’ve noticed several new names on my email list! So let me introduce myself. My name is Alida.  I laugh really loud, and I cry easily. I’m an introvert who co-hosts a radio show. And I’m a worship leader […]