For two consecutive days, I woke up with swollen fingers. My ring was tight on my hand, and removing it was painful. During those two days, I had a phrase on my mind: “Nothing but leaves.” It came from this passage of scripture: And seeing […]
Tag: devotional
Guard Your Heart
I love walking. Especially outdoors. Walking is one of the most accessible exercises to enhance cardiovascular health. When walking briskly, our heart rate elevates, circulation is boosted, and our hearts are strengthened. As we engage in this habit over time, this simple act significantly lowers […]
I Have All I Need
Have you ever felt torn between two passages of Scripture, each pulling at your heart in different ways? That’s the place I landed in last week, wrestling with Hagar’s response to her circumstances here: So Abraham got up early the next morning, prepared food and […]
My Sacred Anchor
90 minutes after sitting in the chair at the dentist’s office, I rise to leave with an anchor securely in place. The professionalism and excellent care by this all-female crew is impressive. It wasn’t part of my prayer request. However, I’m always grateful when God, […]
His Intrusive Touch
“We fear His intrusive touch might disorder the life we’ve built or are trying to build.” Priscilla Shirer I started reading Priscilla Shirer’s new book, ‘I Surrender All’, and the quote above jumped out at me because of the word ‘intrusive.’ It’s a word […]
Work Willingly
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Colossians 3:23 This week, I am an official, coach, and athlete handler at the North American Regional Powerlifting Championships. It feels strange not competing myself, as this […]
Piece by Deliberate Piece
One piece by deliberate piece, it will all come together. One hundred twenty-six days ago, I started walking 10,000 steps a day. I’ve prayed, cried, and sweated mile after mile, listening and longing for deep divine connection and better understanding. This transilient experience from Belize […]
Hidden Significance
Hidden significance. Four years ago, in the final days of his life, my father kept asking if he could “go home now?” He asked this question daily for a week. And each day, I would tell him he had to stay there until he got […]
I Have Learned the Secret
Lavender chai, a lemon square, and a new-to-me book. Those were just a few of the treats that I enjoyed over the weekend. On Saturday, I attended my first Friend of the Library sale. Carefully tuned in to the voice of my Google Maps GPS, […]