Eat nutrient-dense food, move your body daily, and think positive thoughts to be successful. Three things that I hear touted by health and wellness influencers. On the other hand, there’s a movement that says, “Eat the cookie, buy the shoes, and live your best life!” What makes for a successful life? Who decides what we eat, move, and follow? I eat what makes my body feel better, I move to loosen up my achy joints, and I try each day to take up my cross and follow Christ. The world might not see that lifestyle as the key to success. But, when I eat too much sugar or gluten, I pay for it with a fibromyalgia flare. If I stay in bed too long, I pay for it with joint pain. But, when I choose not to follow Christ, I suffer. When I try to step out front, thinking I know the way, it rarely ends well.
“If you refuse to take up your cross and follow Me, you are not worthy of being Mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for Me, you will find it.” Matthew 10:38-39 NLT
Worthy of Being His
In this season of Lent, believers around the world are fasting. Everyone chooses their sacrifice, and most often, it revolves around eliminating particular foods or drinks. But, when Easter Dinner comes, all returns to normal. I’ve often wondered how Anna (Luke 2) spent a lifetime worshipping and fasting—a lifetime without indulging in the desires of the eyes or the flesh. Perhaps that commitment was her cross before the Cross was conquered.
Lent is a great time to consider the Cross. It’s a time to ponder what sacrifice of obedience will make us worthy of being His. He makes us worthy as we follow Him. We find our best life through surrendering our wants and wishes to Christ. Maybe it’s not about fasting and then feasting in the literal sense of those words. Maybe, just maybe, it’s about fasting from our desires and feasting on His presence.
Eat, Move, and Follow
Eat honey from the Rock, move to the rhythm of His heartbeat, and follow Him. Yep, that sounds like success to me.
*For those of you who prayer walk, consider how you will eat, move, and follow during this season of Lent.