Happy New Year to You!

Happy New Year to you, dear one! Your unwavering support through this year of transition and grief has been my anchor; I’m standing strong because of your prayers.

As I turn the page on my calendar, I’m determined to spend some time reflecting. January is a great time to review the year that just ended. In my journal, I’ll focus on the people, projects, and prayers from 2024. If you’d like to join me, here are the prompts I’m using:

1. Who Had Your Attention?

Our relationships help determine the quality of our lives. Take some time to think about who blessed you this year. Who do you need to reconnect with? Who challenged you, and what lessons did they provide? 

Think of three people who have impacted your year—positively or otherwise. Write their names down, pray over each name, and ask God to guide you in nurturing or healing those relationships.

2. Where Did You Invest Your Energy?

Was there an accomplishment that brought joy to you? What drained you? Were there any tasks that felt like an obligation instead of an inspiration? Is there an unfinished work calling your name? 

Write down one project you’re excited about, one that needs to be let go, and one you feel called to begin. Pray over each one and seek God’s will.

3. What Were You Seeking From God? 

What prayers were answered in 2024? How did God show up in your life? What answers are you still waiting to receive? Is there a calling that God is nudging you to put into action?

Consider journaling a prayer for clarity, purpose, and gratitude for 2024.

Time spent reflecting is an investment. It’s about mining the past for nuggets of wisdom. Let’s consider the people, projects, and prayers that shaped 2024. May our relationships, activities, and the cries of hearts be guided by clarity, wisdom, and purpose. May we be grateful today for God for allowing us to wake up and breathe the air of 2025. And may we be guided by grace, love, and mercy at each step along the path of this new year.

Happy New Year everyone!


*For those who prayer walk, ponder the direction your life has taken and where your feet are heading today.

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