Does Age Matter?

Does age matter? Yesterday, I was at a cafe enjoying a coffee before heading to the gym and secretly trying to soak up as much as possible from the discussion at the table beside me.

These two friends, sat at the table next to mine just as my Caramel Dulce Latte arrived.  After I thanked the server, I took out my phone to snap a photo of my drink, and couldn’t help but overhear the typical small talk about themselves and their families. However, I was stunned by how quickly their discussion segued into pulling out their phones and sharing ideas for t-shirt design, brand awareness, the resources they have available, and the cost-effectiveness of this project. These women look older than me. And yet, here they are, talking about starting something new.

I wished I could have seen the images they shared with one another. But, the excitement in their voices gave the impression that this venture will be a great move for them.

Does Age Matter?

For the past eighty-four years, she had been serving God with night-and-day prayer and fasting. ‭‭Luke‬ ‭2‬:‭36‬-‭38‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I think of Anna as a model of aging in the Bible. She was a widow who spent 84 years, a lifetime, worshipping God. She is vibrant in spirit and dedicated to worship. She’s a woman who does not let aging affect her spiritual tenacity.

While Simeon was prophesying over Mary and Joseph and the baby, Anna walked up to them and burst forth with a great chorus of praise to God for the child. From that day forward she told everyone in Jerusalem who was waiting for their redemption that the anticipated Messiah had come!
‭‭Luke‬ ‭2‬:‭38‬ ‭TPT‬‬

A New Thing

After 84 years of fasting and praying in the temple, God allowed Anna to experience the presence of Christ. Her first reaction was to praise, but she also did something new, she witnessed to others about Jesus. It’s never too late to start a new thing, especially when it comes to you directly from God.

As I contemplate what new things God would have me do, I know it starts with what I’ve been doing. Reading, observing, and listening for His voice. My question for us remains, “Does age matter?” I think God makes it clear, that even at 84+ years old, like Anna, He can still use us to do new things for Him.


2 thoughts on “Does Age Matter?

  1. Finding myself in a “what now, Lord” time in my life where age can be a factor I really appreciate you sharing about Anna as it gives me renewed hope that my age does not matter.

    1. Robin,
      Thank you for letting me know that Anna’s story came right on time for you. Blessings as you move forward 🙏🏾

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